
🏠 首页 / Kubernetes / Terraform

Terraform #

创建ec2同时安装应用的三种方式 #

Mode 1: userdata #

  • 需要shell脚本文件install_nginx.sh
resource "aws_instance" "demo" {
  # ...
  # Mode 1: userdata
  user_data = "${file("../templates/install_nginx.sh")}"
  # ...

Mode 2: remote-exec #

  • 需要连接主机,connection;
  • 密钥文件xxx.pem
resource "aws_instance" "demo" {
  # ...
  # Mode 2: remote-exec
  connection {
    host = "${self.private_ip}"
    private_key = "${file("xxx.pem")}"
    user        = "${var.ansible_user}"
  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = [
      "sudo apt-get update",
      "sudo apt-get install -y nginx",
      "sudo service nginx start"
  # ...

Mode 3: local-exec with Ansible #

  • 需要执行Terraform命令的主机安装Ansible
  • 密钥文件xxx.pem
  • 额外的ansible-playbook文件,目录../playbooks/install_nginx.yaml
  • 实战过程中发现,使用Ansible在主机远程为ec2安装nginx时,需要等待一定时间(sleep 30)才会成功,猜测可能是等待ec2完全创建成功并运行(安装python,毕竟Ansible对host的唯一要求就是python)之后才可以使用Ansible,这可能会成为一个坑。
resource "aws_instance" "demo" {
  # ...
  # Mode 3: local-exec with ansible-playbook
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<EOT
      sleep 30;
   echo "[nginx]" | tee -a nginx.ini;
      chmod 600 xxx.pem;
   echo "${self.private_ip} ansible_user=${var.ansible_user} ansible_ssh_private_key_file=xxx.pem" | tee -a nginx.ini;
   ansible-playbook -u ${var.ansible_user} --private-key xxx.pem -i nginx.ini ../playbooks/install_nginx.yaml
   # ...

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